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26599 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-10-12
Final date -
Days in captivity3
SpeciesGHOW - Great horned owl
Ocular - keratitis, OD
Ocular - keratitis, OS
Soft tissue wounds - right leg

Cause of injury: Unknown

Volunteer Notified at Release

Found in Monroe,NC
Union county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate315.4046.20
Fecal exam262.00124.00
Total  290.20

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images


2024-10-15 17:59 sc
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g ck
Fenbendazole: 0.41 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.45 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Perched and NOLO. Her head bobbled as she turned to look at us when we went to feed but no reading was seen and her head remained stable while we fed.

Did not restart eye meds. Will recheck OU in the morning and determine if medication is needed still.

2024-10-15 15:42 MS

HPAI test results: Not Detected

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
end quarantine

2024-10-15 10:20 me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 50 g ck
Fenbendazole: 0.41 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.45 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Postponed Radiographs
BAR, perched; at one point bird was looking up and head moving in circles

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
Discontinue handling for now until HPAI test results come back

2024-10-14 16:55 RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 50g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.45 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Terramycin - OU -

Behavior was mostly normal when grabbed. A little fidgety.

HPAI Test completed due to behavior. Entire KR2 under quarantine until results back.


2024-10-14 15:35 RMB

Checking to see of GHOW ate, NOLO

Was head back facing ceiling and reading.

2024-10-14 09:05 EB/me
Leftovers: 9
Food: 51 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Fenbendazole: 0.41 ml (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.45 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Terramycin - OU -
9 g LO
Perched, BAR
Showed head tremors when handled

2024-10-13 17:15 cd
Leftovers: 50
Food: 50 g m
SQ fluids: 50 ml
Meloxicam: 0.45 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Terramycin - OU -

BARP, hissing. 50g LO removed. Stargazing when I took kennel cover off then reacted to me, head wobble/tremor very evident, no consistent tilt. Ataxic movements during handling. Placed new food on perch.

2024-10-13 11:34 RMB

Start 3 day Fenben

Collection date2024-10-13
ResultsPOS for
Collection date2024-10-13

2024-10-13 09:38 RMB/DG
Leftovers: 24
Food: 51 g m
SQ fluids: 50 ml
Meloxicam: 0.45 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Terramycin - OU -

BAR, perched, active when being grabbed, head was a little shaky while being held, 24g LO m

2024-10-12 14:40 EGG
Weight: 1364 grams, Keel score: 2.5

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Behavior and Neuro: BAR
Mouth: Clean
Beak: Clean
Ears: Clear
Left wing: WNL
Right wing: WNL
Left leg: WNL
Right femur: Old bruising and some feather loss
Feathers: WNL
Ectoparasites: Flatflies
Other observations: Flaky skin, dehydration

Finder said bird was unable to fly. RRT reported that it was in a lake. When approached, flew about 10 ft in the air, then fell. It tried to flee again and landed in water. It was picked up after coming out of the water on its own.

Exam Notes
BAR, standing in box. Wet due to falling in lake. Very vocal and strong, would thrash sometimes. Nothing notable found other than some old bruising, possible old road rash, along femur, just above the right knee, with some accompanying feather loss. Also has flaky skin, suggesting dehydration, and flatflies. Administered treatment and moved to KR2.

Meloxicam: 0.13 IM
Fluids: 50ml LRS SQ
Terramyacin: OU
Food: 62 g m

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-10-12
Examiner - CPR
Stain Stain 
++ ++ 
Right eye:
Stain came positive and has several spots of cornea abrasions.
Left eye:
Stain was positive and has some cornea abrasion in lower lateral portion of eye.

2024-10-12 14:39 EGG

Band changed to: 22063

Version 4.0.2 - 4.0.7 Tue Oct 15 20:23:18 2024